Welcome to another episode of Final Fantasy Union! Darryl is joined once again by Lauren and Spencer and they jump right in. FIrst off, Darryl and Lauren regale us with their experience at the Distant Worlds Anniversary show they were able to attend and it was quite a doosie! The story is a great update as there is very little news this time around, however, they still go through what there is including localization attempts for Type-0 and a few developments on Lightning Returns.
Without missing a beat, they move straight into your answers to the Burning Question from the last show that was also about Lightning Returns; your responses keep them busy! Make sure you get your answers in for the new question which is “What do you like most about Lightning?” And then what’s next? You may have guessed it: your questions.
This show brings two great inquiries which have to do with the comments made by the past SE president and and collectables from the FF series that the trio may have picked up over the years. As always, don’t turn the show off yet as there is a great remix from Final Fantasy 10 waiting for you. As the year of 2012 starts to come to an end, FFU is here to get you your Final Fantasy fix!