Another week brings another episode of Final Fantasy Union to entertain you! Darryl and Lauren sit down to talk all things Final Fantasy and they launch straight into the show. This episode starts off with a wonderful discussion on Final Fantasy 8.
It is argued by many to be the most open ended story in all the FF games. Darryl and Lauren discuss it at great length and read your comments and input on the issue. After the lengthy discussion, the duo moves into the news. Unfortunately, Square Enix has left us in a bit of a lull for anything new but there are a few scraps of info for you. They talk about how one of the main programmers leaves SE and how SE has acquired a new trademark called “Prequel Trilogy”. What does it mean? What will it apply to? We don’t know, but that certainly doesn’t keep up from speculating!
Next up, the gang joins up with special guest Mike who is the newest contestant on the Final Fantasy Quiz. How does he do? Listen to find out. A wonderful remix from Final Fantasy 4 rounds out the show nicely. Enjoy the episode and we’ll see you guys again soon!