Final Fantasy Union: Episode 76

Welcome to the first episode of Final Fantasy Union in the year 2013! While most of the industry is laying low right now, we have a ton of news and updates from the FF universe. Darryl sits down with Spencer and Lauren and they hit it hard. First up, Spencer regales us with his trip that he took to try out and experience Lightning Returns. He has a lot of information from the event as well as announcing a competition for YOU to win a prize! However, the news doesn’t stop there!

Aside from the numerous Lightning Returns announcements, there are pieces of info about the Final Fantasy X HD remake and the new FF iOS game! Up next is the Burning Question and your answers from the previous show. You let us know how long you’ve been playing the FF franchise and it’s great to hear everyone’s backstory with the series! Along those same lines, the crew gives you the new Burning Question for next time which is “Is Square-Enix still your main company for JRPGs?”

With all the news from the Square Enix event and all of your wonderful answers to the Burning Question, the gang runs out of time to have a proper questions segment (don’t worry, there will one next time). Rounding out the show is a fantastic remix from from the game that started it all: the original Final Fantasy. You won’t want to miss it! The new year is here and there’s a lot more to come; don’t miss out! Final Fantasy Union is part of the Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts Union podcast channel on Gaming Union/iTunes and releases an episode of FFU every four weeks.

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